Thursday, September 23, 2010

Midnight Moment

...brought to you by: Sleep Deprivation. AND. Late-night Facebook Wanderings.

Weddings, proposals and bridal magazines...

There's something about them that just spark something within me... They make me smile... they warm my heart. It could be that I'm a sucker for "happily ever afters"... It might be that I love to see God's thumb print amidst a couple's "signature" stamped on their relationship... their proposal story... their wedding. It is uniquely theirs........ and it is uniquely beautiful :-)

Maybe the beauty rests in the overall reflection... Marriage, after all, is one of those biblical 'mysteries' that derives it beauty from its function of illustrating a trinitarian truth. It also reminds us of our heavenly Bridegroom and His bride-to-be, the church. Further, each story attests to God's sovereignty... orchestrated by a divine hand... God is an expert at matchmaking... After all, He has literally MADE/created both people individually and then, as they continue on their journey through the adventure called "life", He MATCHES them together when the time is right.

I just love these kinds of stories... I don't know why..... Or maybe I do. : )

Ultimately, they are near and dear to my heart and I can't help but smile..... and sigh... ^_^